Importing Text from Word

When you copy text to your clipboard from any Microsoft product, you are copying all of the invisible Microsoft XML formatting that goes with the text. When you paste Microsoft Word’s HTML markup into the page, it overrides the formatting rules you set up in the CSS file, and the text you pasted looks like it did in Word, not what it’s supposed to look like on your web page.

It is recommended to paste all content as a plain text format.

Same content imported from Word and as a normal HTML markup:

MS XML formatting overrides site's own styles.

Copying & Pasting from Microsoft Word:

  • Type directly into the editor itself.
  • Use web-editor's "Paste as text" -tool.
  • Paste into Notepad first, deselect your text, re-select it, then paste it into the WYSIWYG editor.

Paste as text:


Select "Paste as text", all extra formatting will be removed.

Example text as a formatted text and plain text in editor.

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