Site management

Site management refers to the management of all the pages on the site. The pages are grouped in the same way as on the public site, so they can be easily maintained using the management view. You can find the pages under the Site header in the page tree on the left.




1. To start editing a page, click on it under the Site header. You can use the page editing tools such as Settings and Metadata, for example.

2. Click on the Settings icon on the toolbar if you wish to change the visibility, display name or URL of the page, for instance. 



Creating and Organizing Pages

You can easily create new pages and organize them in the list of pages.

1. To create a new page, click on the add button (+) in the upper right-hand corner of the Site header.




2. Give a name for the new page in the name field.

3. Using the mouse, drag the page to a position of your choice in the list of pages. You can also drag the page under another page: an arrow will appear next to the target page.



 Page can be published or unpublished. Unpublished page is not visible in the public internet and it do not have URL-addrerss.

4. Press "Publish" -button to publish the page. Multilingual pages you can choose witch languages are published.


pPublish the following language version(s)

The Publish-button is disabled if the page is public.

5. Press "Preview" to preview unpuslished page before pulishing it.

Preview unpublished page

6. Press "Delete" to unpublish or delete page. 

Delete or unpublish the page

7. You can unpublish or delete whole page, or you can unpublish or delete language version.

Unpublish page

8. Save the changes.

Adding and Organizing Content Elements

You can specify how the contents of a page will be displayed. The contents are organized in columns and, within the columns, in elements. A column may contain multiple elements such as text or video elements, for example.

1. To add a new element to a column, click on the blue column icon in the page edit view. 




2. Select an element in the New menu.




You can easily change the order of elements in a column.

1. Click on the column icon of the column in which you want to change the order of elements.

2. Grab the order icon and drag the element to a location of your choice in the list of elements.




3. Save the changes.

Contact support

Crasman customer support

Tel. +358 10 217 6984

Support services

Our customer support helps you with all aspects of maintaining your Stage website or Studio file bank.

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