File versions
Studio file can be replaced with new version. File will be replacedceverywhere where it is linked.
Versioned file's address (URL), name and classification info will remain unchanged.
Earlier versions will remain in the history and can be restored later.
Replacing file by file name
If uou upload files with identical filenames in that folder, the files are automatically replaced with the new version.
In example old_bus_02.jpg and old_bus_03.jpg will be replaced by a new version, the other six images will be the new files folder.
Single file's versioning
1. Versions -tab
New version can be set in files version -tab. The new version uses the original file name and classification information.
Manage versions
All versions of the file will remain version of history, and the previous version can be restored later active.
Select the version of the history of the desired version and select "Use selected".