Sharing Collections
1. To share a collection, select it and click on Share.
2. Set group-wide rights by clicking on the group on the left and dragging the rights slider to a position of your choice.
There are five different levels of rights.
Access denied = Access to the collection is denied to All
Inherit = The collection inherits the general collection rights defined for the organization
Browse = All can read and browse the files
Edit = All can read, edit, download, add and delete files
Administrator = All have the most comprehensive rights
You can further modify the group rights in the Advanced Rights Management.
3. To share a collection via email, click on the Share via Email option.
Fill out the message and subject fields. Enter the recipient's address in the Email/Username field. If the intended recipient is a user of the data repository you can enter his username instead of an email address.
A collection can be shared via email in such a way that the recipients can download the files without having to sign in. Select Sharing and Visibility to determine the rights of all users of the organization for a folder: the options are Normal, Private, and All Users.
4. To share the files in a collection via email, go to Advanced Settings > Sharing and Visibility and select Public ZIP Download. You can also specify that a folder is visible to the users in your organization.
5. To send a download link to the recipients, go to Share via Email and enter an email address or a username in the field.
6. Click on Save.